Grendi Trasporti Marittimi
About us
We have been transporting goods since 1828 ensuring our direct and indirect customers share a valuable project. We seek the levers in the innovation of processes and technologies to offer increasingly eco-sustainable and socially responsible logistics services. We do this by developing solutions that aim to decrease, year after year, the fuel consumption of the ships we use for our services while they increase their transport capacity. We do this by developing intermodal transport units and processes that guarantee greater volumes and weights transported. We are committed to constantly measuring and decreasing CO2 equivalent emissions for each ton transported by optimizing the routes of goods and using more efficient and sustainable modes of transport. We do this with an ethical sense and with the aim of supporting our partners, small and medium-sized logistics entrepreneurs, with programs to access credit at more sustainable and advantageous rates. We constantly recognize their value in contracts that commit us to long-term goals. We are proud to support our customers and the communities where we operate by sharing with them the values and history of a centennial Italian family business that identifies attention to the person and social responsibility as its success and longevity factor.
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