Container logistics is a risky business without much trust and transparency. But that’s not how it needs to be. Get the transparency and facts you need to do business, not just based on gut feeling, but on facts and figures with vetted online company profiles.
“I only work with companies I know”.
This, or a variation of this sentence, is one many people use in container logistics. Chances are, that you also have used it. And that with good reason.
The risky gut feeling
There are many times, where companies can choose not to follow the contract or commit fraud in container logistics. When that happens, you’re left dealing with the losses.
It can be everything from a lessee, who returns the containers too late or in bad condition. To a customer, who doesn’t pay on time. Both situations force you to follow up– in the hopes that you’ll get the containers and money eventually.
In all these situations you’re left with increased costs and more manual work when you have to figure out your insurance coverage as well as dealing with extra maintenance and repair.
All this boils down to the people you do business with. And as we all know; container logistics is a risky business. What doesn’t help is how to find new partners to work with. Today, the decision of working with a new company is often based on your gut feeling. As good as your gut feeling can be, that is not what you wish to base business decisions on.
At Container xChange, we want to change that. We want to bring transparency and facts to the table, so you can choose who you want to partner up with – based on more than a mere gut feeling.
Blacklisted shipping companies
Finding new partners is essential for you to keep the business going. Under normal circumstances, networking is done in person or through someone who knows someone. Gathering information about a potential partner can be through peer to peer references, basic research on social media, and the firm’s website.
But in today’s situation, in-person networking is near impossible due to the Coronavirus pandemic. That makes it even more important that you can trust the information you can find on the companies. And you don’t want to end up with a deal with a company that should be on a list for blacklisted shipping companies.
Blacklisted shipping companies are part of the bad reputation the industry has. And a necessary evil to avoid dealing with non-trustworthy partners. But getting a shipping company blacklisted doesn’t always require thorough documentation, as it does at Freight Deadbeats.
Incorrect information on a firm can have a very harmful impact on the business – and potentially rob you of a good future partner or defame the reputation of your business.
The way normal information gathering happens in container logistics right now is not scalable which makes it expensive to collect. At the same time, the information that you find is not real-time data and prone to entail error.
Find partners with data – not feelings
But finding new partners shouldn’t be a matter of a good or bad gut feeling. You should have relevant information and data available. So that you can make the best decisions for your company.
At Container xChange we believe in data, and we put facts before feelings.
That is why we are launching the first publicly available company profiles with peer-to-peer reviews, performance statistics, recent partners, and network memberships.
All of this, of course, supported by a vetting process to make sure that the information is correct. So now you can find all the information about a company, that you need, to make sure they are a good fit for you.
However, these online company profiles are also a guarantee for you, that the information available about your firm is correct and verified.
Your own company profile
When you want to order food online and you want to try something new, you often compare the ratings between the restaurants. You’ll do the same, if you’re looking at a product on Amazon – you will probably take an extra look at the product with the highest ratings.
So, just as a trusted shop in e-commerce, your company profile will show customers and businesses your rating. How your business performance is, reviews, as well as recent partners. That’ll increase the level of trust towards you.
With the online company profile, you can add it to your website or email signature, so when you contact new partners, they can see your company profile. You can also share your profile with your partners to increase trust. What you would also increase with the xChange public profile is visibility and reach on search engines. Making it easier to make new business – and doing so in a transparent way!
The bank of vetted company profiles
But the public company profiles don’t just help you increase your visibility and trust. It can also help you see if you can trust a new partner – and check their vetting status on xChange. At the same time, you’ll also be able to see how other companies rate them, and what they have to say based on actual transactions.
It will also give you insight into which companies they have worked with in the past and whether they’re part of any networks. It’ll also give you an idea of their response time on emails is, how the pickup and return speed is, and whether their containers are in the right condition.
In other words, these public profiles will give you unique views into a firm. With all the information being the same place – saving you time and money.
Click on the banner below, if you want to grab your company profile, as long as you can get it for free – and increase your visibility and make sure you’re a reliable partner!