Hamburger Container- und Chassis-Reparatur-GmbH
About us
The Hamburger Container- und Chassis-Reparatur-Gesellschaft mbH (HCCR) runs with 250 employees four sites, at the HHLA Container Terminals Altenwerder and Tollerort, the Frucht- und Kühlzentrum and the empty container depot at the Altenwerder Damm (AWD) close to the HHLA Container Terminal Buchardkai, offering all services of an empty container depot. Beside the classic empty depot services, such as container inspection, container repair, container cleaning and storage, we offer our customers installation, repair and maintenance for cooling, ventilation and air conditioning systems in reefer-containers, buildings, large handling equipment as well as lorries and cars. We offer cleaning and repair services for roadtanks and tank-containers. HCCR produces all types of steel constructions and we advise our customers in this respect in order to ensure the correct implementation of their ideas.
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