4.5 based on 2 reviews

Galleon Shipping Agencies SDN BHD Company is verified by xChange

SHAH ALAM, Malaysia
Member since 2022
Founded in 0

About us

The Galleon Group, a budding establishment based in Malaysia, is the fastest growing shipping line in the international maritime industry. Galleon is an expertise in handling Project Cargo logistics/Over dimensional cargoes (ODC), Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC), RO/RO & Total Logistics Solutions. Galleon focuses in providing excellent services to it’s clients with the aim to fulfil their shipping needs in a highly professional and friendly environment. Safety being the top priority, Galleon focuses in providing total logistics solutions with an end to end safe delivery for it’s valued customers. An international logistics network with various sectors has been established by Galleon to satisfy the needs of it’s customer. Galleon’s services include Project Cargo logistics / over dimensional cargo (ODC), Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC), RORO (Heavy equipment and Machinery), Direct Delivery, Container Trading and Inland Transportation.

Operational Performance

12 transactions within the previous 12 month

Response Time:

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Data Quality:

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Pick-up speed:

A ssre mo rtosstdrudvutueam loeooe e ueo eaetjc tcb .a

Return speed:

A ssre mo rtosstdrudvutueam loeooe e ueo eaetjc tcb .a

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